"Mad Madeleine," as her troops call her, is an assault commander. The lone daughter of an arms dealer, Maddy followed her father from war zone to war zone as he went from peddling handguns to shipping tanks across the globe. Her family enjoyed that untouchable status that only world leaders and war merchants can attain. Unburdened by a normal childhood, Maddy had a lot of time to pursue whatever it was she enjoyed, which much to her father's delight, turned out to be warfare. On her 25th birthday, her father gave her a MAAV (Mobile Armored Assault Vehicle). She named her MAAV after the mythical BASILISK for the way it could freeze any unit it met on the battlefield. Once the BASILISK opens fire, it's just a matter of time before sensors and armor plates start bursting right off their bolts. Unless they start making flying tanks, Maddy and her BASILISK will continue to be synonymous with death.